Lev Friskt.
70% of the Swedish population believe they are sufficiently active on a daily basis, but perception doesn’t always meet reality. Indeed, around seven million people in Sweden are not reaching the daily recommended activity they should. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Public Health Agency of Sweden recommend that we are active for at least 30 minutes a day. Not an intensive activity such as running or working out at a gym but sedentary activities such as walking or climbing stairs is sufficient.

From: 2018.
Role: UX/UI Designer, art direction, service design.
Type: Daresay employee.
Client: Länsförsäkringar.
Award: IF Design Awards.
The benefits of sedentary activities.
It can then reduce the risk of many health problems, from heart failure, back, muscle and joint problems to depression and other forms of mental health disorders. Lack of activity doesn’t just come at a personal cost to us as individuals, it also costs society a considerable amount. The “Production Losses and Healthcare Costs Report”, puts the direct costs of healthcare due to physical inactivity at over EUR 70 million and the loss of production to Swedish organisations at around EUR 500 million.
Getting started and creating new routines isn’t easy.
There is a general reluctance among people who aren’t active to change their routine. The Lev Friskt app help those who think they have an active life but don’t make the recommended daily activity level. The app gather data from Apple Health kit, such as steps and stairs climbed and converts them into activity points. To get people excited when they start using the app, the daily target is purposely set below the recommended daily activity levels. After five consecutive days of accumulating the minimum number of points, the target increases. In total there are five different target levels. Also, a tree is planted in Africa on behalf of every user that reach 1000 points a day for five consecutive days. you can also register other activities such as standing at work, exercising or doing the weekly shopping.
Getting inspired with suggested activities.
The app also includes an inspiration section, where you can get tips on how to increase your activity and ultimately get more points.
A good recipe for success.
The combination of an engaging user experience, motivational tips and a stepwise approach to activity has proven to be a sufficient motivator to get people going.